Why Is It Important to Hire a Quality HVAC Company?

Thanks to popular do-it-yourself shows on television today, more homeowners are choosing to tackle projects around the house. It makes sense to do so in numerous cases, as a person can save money while accomplishing something they may not have known they could do. Nevertheless, there are times when it is best to call the best HVAC companies Montgomery, AL has to offer when there is a problem with the heating and cooling system of the home.

HVAC systems such as these are complex. They have numerous components and the problem could lie in any one of these components. Nobody wants to live in a home that is too hot or too cold, but that could be exactly what happens when a person tries to fix this system without professional assistance. This is only one of many reasons why a trained technician should be called in and the following are others.


Safety always needs to be the top priority when carrying out any task around the home. Trying to tackle an HVAC repair can be dangerous.

A gas leak could lead to the release of carbon monoxide into the home, for example. This odorless gas is harmful to humans. Sadly, as there is no odor to the gas, a family may go to sleep and never wake up again, with seniors and infants being the most at risk.

HVAC contractors ensure the work is done properly so a gas or carbon monoxide leak isn’t of concern. They know how to address difficult situations safely to protect the home’s occupants while ensuring the system is up and running once again.

What many property owners don’t realize is there could be hidden damage that may be harmful to the occupants of the residence. For instance, a leak in an air conditioning system could lead to water damage in the home. If this water isn’t detected and removed, mold and mildew might grow and bring about health problems for those residing in the home.


As mentioned above, HVAC systems have become more complex over the years. What may at one time have been an easy fix now takes time and experience to diagnose and repair. The homeowner benefits from the knowledge of the trained technician, one who has seen countless systems over the years and can determine exactly where the problem lies.

What many fail to recognize is there could be something wrong with the system that is extremely dangerous. The professional has undergone training to detect problems of this type, training which the homeowner lacks. The result of overlooking something could be disastrous.


HVAC work requires specialized tools in many cases. The average person does not have these tools on hand and will need to purchase them. This adds to the cost of the job and the time required to carry out the work.

HVAC technicians use these tools every day and therefore have the latest items to do the work in a timely manner. For instance, a high-pressure vacuum will be needed to clean the inside of the unit. Others find they must remove mold and bacteria from the system which requires the use of industrial-strength antimicrobial solutions.

Again, the homeowner will spend more money and time to purchase these items. Additional trips might be needed to pick the items up from a supplier as well. The system won’t be running as these tasks are carried out, and the family must live in an uncomfortable residence during this time.

Why drag the repair out and spend money on items that may only be used once or twice? The technician brings these items with him or her to the job. As a result, the homeowner saves time and money and has a comfortable home once again.


Many believe that fixing an HVAC system without calling in professionals is one way to save money. However, these repairs often involve more than the homeowner is equipped to handle. Good intentions don’t count for much in this situation.

Money is frequently saved when a professional is hired to take on the work. He or she brings everything needed to do the job right the first time. In addition, there is no risk of an accident that could lead to high medical bills.

A person could be harmed while trying to fix the HVAC system simply because they don’t know what they are doing. YouTube videos and do-it-yourself books often overlook the number of things that could go wrong. Keep this in mind before proceeding with the job.

An accident might be very costly if it involves a trip to the emergency room. The homeowner is no longer able to carry out the work to get the HVAC system functional once again and he or she now also has medical bills related to the accident. This significantly adds to the cost of the repair and doesn’t take into account time that may be missed from work as a result of the injuries.

Another thing to consider is repairs that are not carried out properly could lead to system issues in the future. The unit may consume more energy or a component could short out and need replacement. This is often a sign the installation or repair of the unit wasn’t of the highest quality, and the homeowner ends up spending more as a result.


Imagine having to wait days or weeks for a part to arrive, and when it does show up, it is not the right part. During the hot days of summer or when temperatures remain below freezing for an extended period, time is of the essence. The trained technician ensures the right part is ordered the first time and often has this part on hand so the repair can be completed immediately.


A licensed contractor helps to protect the owner because it signifies the technician has met the requirements for working on HVAC systems in the state. A reputable HVAC contractor will be happy to share their license with clients. This license shows that the technician has undergone training to get the job done right. Additionally, it shows the technician is aware of local codes and regulatory standards and will carry out the work so it complies at all times.

How can one tell if a contractor has the appropriate licensing? The first step is to ask to see this document. If the contractor can’t or won’t produce it, look for another company or person to use.

Once the license has been produced, it needs to be verified. Contact the agency that issued the license to ensure it remains valid. Again, if it can’t be verified another contractor should be selected. The licensed contractor must meet certain standards when working or face consequences for failing to do so.


When HVAC work isn’t carried out properly, air will be wasted as it travels through the system. The machine won’t run efficiently either. As a result, the homeowner won’t be as comfortable in his or her own home.

Furthermore, work that isn’t carried out correctly can lead to early system failure. Imagine using the wrong part only to learn that it has led to the breakdown of something critical to the proper operation of the system. The entire system could then go down and leave the homeowner with a residence that is either too hot or too cold until a technician can come out and repair the unit the right way or possibly replace it in the worst-case scenario.


Some parts manufacturers only guarantee their products when they are installed by a licensed professional. If the part fails in a short period of time, the homeowner might find he or she is fully responsible for the cost of the new one. This typically isn’t the case with parts purchased through and installed by a professional with the proper credentials.


Licensed contractors typically purchase insurance to protect their livelihood. However, this insurance does much more than simply protecting the contractor and his or her workers. It also protects the homeowner in the event something goes wrong.

When a person is injured on the job or damage is done to the home, a licensed contractor with insurance will handle the bills. The claim is turned over to the insurance company to make certain this isn’t an issue. If the contractor doesn’t have the necessary insurance, however, the homeowner may be stuck with the bills.

What happens when this is the case? A homeowner might find his or her insurance company covers the damages and raises the rates as a result. In some situations, the homeowner could find the company will no longer cover the residence as a result of the claim.

If the homeowner’s insurance policy does not pay or the policy isn’t enough to cover the damages, the homeowner can be sued. Imagine losing everything you have worked for over the years simply because you tried to save money by doing the work yourself or hiring an unlicensed contractor. Sadly, this can happen to those who choose to work with an unlicensed contractor or do the work without help.

Peace of Mind

Don’t wait around wondering if the system is going to fail on the hottest or coldest day of the year. Extreme conditions put more strain on the system, so this is when the unit is most likely to have problems. By working with a quality HVAC company, homeowners can have peace of mind knowing their system is likely to be running when they need it most.

Furthermore, establishing a relationship with a reputable provider gives the property owner someone to call when the system does act up. The provider is familiar with the system and can make the repairs quickly and easily. He or she might even be able to provide advice to get the system functional until the necessary work can be carried out, doing so in some cases without even making a visit to the home.


To become certified, a person must undergo rigorous training to be certain they have the knowledge and skills needed to repair and maintain the system. A wide range of certification opportunities is offered to individuals in this field. When a technician states he or she is certified, be sure to ask who they obtained the certification through and learn more about what is involved in the process.

Part Availability

Many household repairs can be completed with nothing more than a trip to the local home improvement store. However, this often isn’t the case when it comes to HVAC components. They must be ordered through a specialty provider.

A professional HVAC repair provider stocks common parts so they don’t need to be ordered. This allows the repair to be completed in less time. Furthermore, the provider may obtain a discount by purchasing these parts in bulk and the savings can be passed on to the customer.


While it is easy to look up how to repair an HVAC unit on YouTube and other popular sites, one cannot know if the person demonstrating how to carry out the repair has the skills to do so correctly. Not everything that is seen on the internet is true. The person watching the video or reading the steps on a DIY website cannot know if the person who is providing this information is actually knowledgeable in the repair being outlined. Keep this in mind before moving forward.

Better Health

An HVAC system that is not working properly can lead to health issues for the home’s occupants. Mold and bacteria may be hidden within the system and spread throughout the home, leading to health problems. Sadly, those who suffer from allergies and asthma, as well as seniors and young children, are the ones most likely to be affected when this is the case. Why risk the health of loved ones simply to save a few dollars? By calling in a qualified HVAC tech, this problem can be avoided.

Don’t leave anything related to your HVAC system to chance. Work with a trained professional to make certain it is operational when you need it most. Nobody wants to come home to a house that is hot and humid or one that is freezing cold when the weather isn’t pleasant. Hiring a high-quality HVAC technician to care for this system, becomes less of a concern.