Spring is the Best Time to Schedule AC Repair Services

Woman riding her bike in the spring

As the temperature outdoors rises, a homeowner can run their cooling system without making the home too cold and determine if there are any problems with the system. In addition, a service call during the spring months ensures the technician finds any problems and corrects them before the hot weather returns. 

A Functioning Unit

Homeowners want a functioning unit, and air conditioner repair services provided by AirNow Cooling and Heating ensure this is what they have. Nobody wants to turn the air conditioner on when the temperature rises outside only to learn the system isn’t working. At times, they may find the system won’t turn on or operate but only blows hot air. 

The system contains many moving parts, and a malfunction in one part can lead to the system not working. If the system continues to operate, the damaged part may harm other components within the unit. This could lead to the need for costly repairs and more time needed to complete the work. By calling for AC service in the spring, a homeowner can find these problems and have the issues corrected before the temperatures outside go up. 

Avoid Delays

People who learn their air conditioner isn’t working in the summer may have to wait for a technician to visit the home. As the units undergo stress on hot days, they are more likely to break down. This can lead to an increased demand for AC repair services. Unfortunately, the supply of licensed AC techs doesn’t increase during the summer months. This could lead to a delay in receiving the services. 

Avoid service delays by requesting air conditioner maintenance in the spring. During the service call, the technician identifies any malfunctioning parts and any parts in danger of failing in the coming months. The homeowner can have these failing parts replaced before they lead to a system breakdown. The homeowner will have peace of mind knowing they have done everything possible to prevent an AC breakdown during the season’s hottest weather. 

Improved Air Quality

An air conditioning repair may also improve the air quality in the home. Many pollutants exist in the air within the home. Occupants of the home breathe these contaminants and particles every day, and doing so can harm their health. In addition, many homes lack the ventilation needed to bring fresh air into the home. Introducing fresh air helps to reduce the number of particulates in the home’s air. In addition, adequate ventilation helps to remove allergens from the home. When the home is hot or very humid, concentrations of certain pollutants increase. 

Talk with the HVAC technician to learn how to improve air quality in the home. They may recommend duct cleaning or installing a whole-house filtration system. Ultraviolet treatment and whole-house humidifiers or dehumidifiers are additional options for improving air quality. Request an air quality test as part of this service call to learn how the family can breathe cleaner air in the home. 

Reduce Energy Bills

Changing air filters in the HVAC system is the easiest way to keep energy bills low. However, this step may not resolve the problem, and the energy bills continue to climb. When a homeowner finds changing the filter isn’t enough to bring the energy bills down, they need to work with an HVAC technician to learn what is wrong with the system and how to correct the problem. 

For example, when the technician visits the home, they will examine the condenser and evaporator coils and remove any dirt. This dirt interferes with normal airflow and insulates the coils. Insulated coils cannot dissipate heat efficiently.

In addition, they may make recommendations for preventing dirt from accumulating in the future. For example, they may recommend moving the dryer vent away from the AC components. They will also suggest keeping foliage a minimum of two feet from the outdoor unit and removing any grass clippings, fallen leaves, and other debris from around the unit to allow adequate airflow. These are only a few of the many recommendations the technician may make during a service visit to help keep your energy costs low. 

Extend the System’s Lifespan

The easiest ways to extend the lifespan of the HVAC system are to change the filter and have regular AC repair service visits. Experts recommend these visits take place twice each year—once in the spring and again in the fall. Homeowners use the system more in the summer, so scheduling these visits prior to heavy use ensures the technician finds minor issues before they cause a major breakdown. 

Examine the condenser after a major storm to ensure it hasn’t sustained damage. Although manufacturers design these outdoor units to withstand the elements, they aren’t impervious to storm damage. Remove any debris around the unit after a storm, as this helps to protect the unit from harm due to restricted airflow and other issues. 

In addition, clean the condensate drain line regularly to prevent dirt, dust, and algae from blocking the lines and causing a system breakdown. Finally, consider upgrading the insulation in the home. This helps to reduce the need for the HVAC, extending its lifespan. 

Call AirNow Cooling and Heating to schedule your AC maintenance and repair services. The technician will examine the system and clean it. In addition, they will identify any existing and potential problems before making recommendations for repairs.

Spring is the perfect time for this visit, as this gives you peace of mind. You’ll know the unit will work when you need it. Make your appointment today before the schedule fills. You won’t regret being proactive when it gets hot outside and your home remains cool and comfortable. 

About AirNow Cooling and Heating

A full-service heating and air conditioning contractor serving Millbrook, Alabama, and the surrounding areas, AirNow Cooling and Heating offers a range of heating and air conditioning systems and services on all models. The company performs service checks, repairs, installations, and more. In addition, the technicians help clients reduce energy bills by evaluating the efficiency of their systems